Green Team

The Green Team is comprised of environmentally aware students looking to make a difference at West TV and in our community. Led by a handful of parents, they coordinate awareness and other campaigns throughout the school year.

Have you noticed our No Idle Signs on WTV campus? We are an idle-free school and March is our Idle Free School Campaign month.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data has shown that the level of toxic car exhaust spikes to a very high-level during student drop off and pick up times on school grounds. Not only is automobile exhaust damaging to the environment (greenhouse effect, acid rain, etc.…), it is detrimental to children's health. Children breathe at a faster rate than adults and their lungs are very sensitive to the toxicity of the exhaust because their cells are rapidly duplicating and growing in number. Car exhaust is linked to the development of deadly illnesses such as asthma and cancer, to name a few. Just one minute of idling car emits benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, carbon dioxide and other toxic gases equivalent to three packs of cigarettes.

Your student will be coming home with an idle-free pledge form for you to sign and return to their classroom teacher. West TV Green Team students and leaders invite you to sign a pledge to turn your key to be idle free. The classroom with the highest percentage of pledge participation by Friday 3/13 will win a popcorn party!

Please enjoy this informational video created by our own West TV Green Team students to learn about the detrimental effects of automobile carbon mission. Here is the link. Also, please be forewarned that you will be receiving a reminder to kindly turn off your vehicle if one is observed to be a chronic idler on our school grounds. Thank you for your participation in creating a healthy environment for our West TV community!

Earth day is April 22nd and the Green Team wants to introduce the "no-waste lunch" to the West TV community!

The team leaders have put together a list of products they feel would be helpful for you to consider adding to your child’s lunch kit in order to reduce waste.

If you have questions about the No Idle campaign, "No-Waste Lunch," or any other topic for the Green Team, please send us an email!