About the West TV PTC
Did you know… ALL parents, guardians and staff are automatically members of the PTC and are invited to attend monthly General PTC meetings? As a member you are also encouraged to vote, give input and suggestions, volunteer for school events or maybe even become a Chair Person.
The West Tualatin View Parent Teacher Club (West TV PTC) is a non-profit group and membership is free. The West TV PTC is intended to enhance and support the educational experience at West TV and to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement.
The West TV PTC meets once a month to discuss school activities and events, committee updates, fund raising projects, and future enhancements. The meetings are open to everyone. Attending these meetings is a great way to learn more about what is going on in the school and also learn more about ways to get involved. You are encouraged to attend, your presence really does make a difference!
The West TV PTC is headed by the Executive Board whose elected members serve a 1-2 year term. The board meets monthly to discuss the school budget, agenda and current needs. The West TV PTC also has a system of approximately 30 committees. Generally one or two people chair each committee, leading activities, coordinating volunteers and keeping records. The committees are staffed by volunteers and supported by parent fundraising. Click here to see the WTV Bylaws.
Throughout the year the West TV PTC organizes programs like Art Literacy, Science Fair, Family Nights, Carnival, Back to School Picnic and Continent Club. We also provide grants to West TV Staff, assemblies, field trips, technology upgrades, playground equipment and school furnishings.
We also maintain bulletin boards and decoration support for current events happening in the school. Another area of our organizing includes service projects like health screening and clothing donation support, Oregon Food Bank and many other’s that improve our overall community.
Please come see what the West TV PTC is all about by joining us at a meeting or volunteering!
Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Library at 7pm. Information will be sent out to families prior to each meeting.
Click HERE for dates for the 2023-2024 school year or to review past meeting minutes.