All Star Dash

About the 2025 All Star Dash

When:   Friday September 27th

Where:   Catlin Gabel track 

What:   All students walk, jog, or run for 30 minutes during school hours

Why:   The All Star Dash is our BIG event! This is the only major fundraiser for all programs, activities, and events supported by the Parent Teacher Club for the entire school year!

Our goal is ​to raise $40,000 and fully fund all Student Enrichment activities, Community Events, and Teacher Support at WTV!

Student enrichment includes programs like Art Literacy, reading programs like Oregon Battle of the Books, All Star Reading Club, technology subscriptions for online books, new books for our library, and field trips. Community events include the Halloween event, family movie nights, STEAM Night, our new Valentine’s Day dance, and the carnival, to name a few!  

SPECIAL FUNDING REQUEST: A professional artist in residence program 

Any funds raised beyond our goal will be used to partner with a professional artist who will work with our students (all grades) multiple times throughout the year to collaboratively create art that will adorn our school walls. Tile mosaics in the shape of stars that display our school values from our 2016 program are hanging outside our library. Our s-t-r-e-t-c-h goal is an additional $8,000.


All students, kindergarten through fifth grade, earn money for our school by collecting donations (flat donation or per lap donations) for their participation in the All Star Dash on Friday, October 6th held at the Catlin Gabel track. See the schedule below. Students can choose to run, jog, or walk for 30 minutes. The number of laps completed will be recorded on a certificate and sent home. A mile on the track is 4 laps. Kids usually complete 8-12 laps.  

The Dash is a blast! Fun tunes play on the speakers, bubbles and cheering parents' voices fill the air, and our STAR mascot adds to the excitement as the students get active and raise money for WTV’s incredible programs and events!


*PLEASE NOTE*​: ​​You must have cleared your background check through BSD prior to the day of Dash if you are planning to volunteer.



Donations are tax deductible. ​The West TV PTC Tax ID #93-1166559. You can request a receipt for your donation by emailing A list of companies that offer donation matching will be linked to in the Monday Minute and on the website.  


Follow the simple instructions to set up your online fundraising tracker, send emails to family and friends, and help raise money to support programs at our school!  






Q:  I would love to see my child run.  Can I volunteer?  

Yes!  Please go to My Impact Page and sign up.  It is fun to join other families and cheer on the students!   Remember you must have your background check completed.  

Q:  Can my neighbor attend to cheer on my kids?

Beaverton schools and Catlin Gabel have closed-campus policies during school hours, with the exception of registered volunteers.  All visitors for events like the All Star Dash must be in the My Impact system and check in at the office.  There is more information about volunteering here.

Q:  Why is the goal $40,000?  It seems like the goal keeps going up each year.  

Here's a high-level view of the PTC budget:

The goal for the Dash is set to cover the expenses that are not already covered by:

Q: I heard there used to be an Auction in the spring that was a second school fundraising event.  What happened to this event?

The PTC made the decision last year to move toward a single fundraising event early in the year to both establish a budget for the year and ask families to give only once.  The All Star Dash is an event everyone can participate in and we have a team of committed volunteers.  The Auction did not have a leadership team and COVID canceled the event in 2020 and 2021.  

The West TV PTC is a 501(c)(3) organization that coordinates enrichment programs at West TV, encourages volunteering, and fundraises to support programs, equipment, and services not covered in the school budget.   The PTC meets monthly, and meetings are open to all members of the community.  We welcome your involvement!

Thank you to our caring sponsors for supporting the WTV PTC this school year!