2022 Family Art Night - March 3rd

Family Art Night is here!

Thursday, March 3rd, 6-7:30

West TV Gym

This year’s Cultural Theme: Northwest Coast. Watch for more details the first of 2022!

Join us for an evening of fun for the entire family. Students and their families come to explore all kinds of art activities together. They move freely from activity to activity, where they can participate in hands-on art activities. Traditionally, coordinators utilize the curriculum from the wonderful Art Literacy program to provide a group of culturally based art activities. This year, come and participate in a variety of crafts inspired by the Northwest Coast Tribes.

All ages welcome!

Volunteer Information:

During the event volunteers support the different art activities/stations.

Coordinator Information:

Traditionally, two co-coordinators work together to acquire supplies and organize instructions for the different art activities. The art activity information is provided by the Art Literacy program. Each school is introduced to a different culture each year. However, there is always room for new and creative ideas for Art Night.

This is the last year for our current coordinators. Volunteer to shadow this year, and take advantage of this great opportunity to learn from the current coordinators, creating an easy transition to next year.