Clothes for Kids
Beaverton Clothes for Kids - 16550 SW Merlo Rd Beaverton, OR. 97009
The Beaverton Clothes for Kids is run by the Beaverton School District and is operated by volunteers from the School District's parent groups and Beaverton community to provide free clothing for students in grades K-12 from families with limited income.
Due to Covid protocols, WTV doesn’t have a specific day on which we are responsible for providing volunteers to Clothes for Kids. However, Clothes for Kids is in constant need of volunteers. Please sign into your My Impact Page to view their current volunteer opportunities.
Students can visit the Clothes for Kids two times per school year. An Admit Slip is required. Admit slips are available in school offices. Donations of clean, attractive, school-appropriate clothing such as warm jackets, sweatshirts, mittens and jeans are always needed.
Ongoing needs of the program:
New underwear and socks for all ages and sizes
Pants for elementary-aged students in sizes 5-12
Coats for elementary-aged students in sizes 5-12
Department store shopping bags with handles
Once a year, each school in the Beaverton district works at the Clothes for Kids. Volunteers help sort, pile, and hang clothes, or help families select clothes. Training is provided. No children are allowed while you are volunteering here.
West TV is assigned a day every year to volunteer at the Clothes for Kids. Please reach out to family, friends, church or group members to see if they're available to help us out.
West TV typically needs 4-8 volunteers during each shift: 9:30 - 11:00, 11:15 - 1:00, 12:45 - 2:45 and 2:30 - 4:15. Volunteers can work longer than the 2 hour shifts. No Background check is required for this activity. Volunteers will want to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Please see the Beaverton Clothes for Kids website for more information. If volunteers enjoy this activity, they always need volunteers on Wednesdays.
Thank you for your support!