All Star Reading Club

The All Star Reading Club is West TV’s voluntary incentive program to encourage our students to read books from a variety of genres. Starting in October, students will learn from our wonderful Library Media Assistant, Ms. Sanderson, about different genres of books. If they would like to participate, they can grab a book that fits the monthly genre. Once they read it, they need to fill out a report (available in the library and on the PTC website) and write a summary of the book. Kindergarten is only required to draw a picture, and the subsequent grades write one sentence for the grade they are in (e.g., 4th graders write four sentences about the book). Completed reports are returned to the library. 

Reports may be turned in through the end of the following month (e.g., April's Poetry and Humor form can be turned in through May 31st). If a student misses a month, they can complete a report on a classic book as a makeup, but only one time.   

Every week your All Star Reading Club chairs will take the reports home and ensure they are complete.  Students can review their progress on the All Star Reading Club bulletin board in the library. For an outstanding report, students may even get to pick a prize from our All Star Reading Club treasure chest!

Students who complete five reports will be invited to our end of year All Star Reading Club party where they will receive a free book, enjoy treats, and listen to a storyteller! Students who submit reports for all eight genres will receive an extra bonus: a gift card to a bookstore!

This is a terrific way for students to explore all genres of literature and, perhaps, enjoy books they never thought they’d be interested in.  Here are the genres for each month:

If you have any questions, reach out to us at

Happy reading!